Feeling Stuck in Your Prayer Life? You are not alone.

Many of us reach moments in our spiritual journey when prayer feels difficult, dry, or disconnected. You want to draw closer to Christ, but the words just don’t come, or God feels distant. If you’re in this season, take heart—you’re not alone, and there’s a way forward. We are here to help.

Rediscover the Power of Prayer

Prayer is more than a habit; it’s a lifeline to God’s presence. But like any relationship, our connection with God requires intention and renewal. Here are some steps to help refresh your prayer life:
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  • Start Small: When prayer feels daunting, begin with short, honest conversations with God. It’s not about saying the perfect words but opening your heart to Him.
  • Embrace Silence: Sometimes, sitting quietly in God’s presence speaks louder than words. Prayer isn’t a task to be accomplished or experience to manufacture, but about being still and existing with the God of Love.
  • Pray Scripture: Let God’s Word guide your prayers. Scripture like Psalm 23 or imagining yourself in the story of the woman at the well in John 4 can provide a powerful framework.
  • Incorporate New Practices: Prayer is paying attention to God, so anything that helps you pay attention to God gets to count as prayer. Experiment with journaling, praying out loud, getting out in nature, or other forms of prayer like breath prayer, centering prayer, or Visio Divina.
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Get started

You Won't Be Stuck Forever

God meets us in our struggles, doubts, and dryness. Feeling stuck doesn’t mean He’s far away—it often means He’s drawing you closer. Allow this season to be a time of surrender, trust, and rediscovery.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Explore our resources designed to help you deepen your prayer life and reconnect with God’s purpose for you. Whether through guided prayers or one-on-one spiritual guidance, we’re here to walk with you.

Download our free guide - Common Prayer

This guide is meant to be a self-guided practice through 6 disciplines we use when teaching new disciples to pray. It is meant to help groups or leaders develop their ability to talk about their interior lives and to form others in prayer.

Explore the Exponent Marketplace

Search our marketplace to find a Spiritual Director or Spiritual Coach who can walk with you in this season.

Join the Waitlist for the Formation Course

Go deeper into prayer and learn how to develop a healthy culture of prayer and conversation among a community of disciples in this online discipleship course.

Hear from people we serve

Alyssa Tocci headshot for testimonial
“Before the equipping cohort, I was confused about what discipleship really meant. The content and community helped me see the simplicity of it—discipleship happens in relationships. Having a group to walk through it with me, provide accountability, and celebrate successes together was the most impactful part.”

Alyssa Tocci

Mike Ruman headshot for testimonial
“I reached out to Exponent Group because I was struggling in my spiritual journey and needed guidance. After six months with my spiritual director, it’s been a complete game-changer. We meet monthly to discuss my questions, explore spiritual practices, and pray together. My only regret is not starting sooner—it would have saved me so much time and energy. I highly recommend Exponent Group and their amazing spiritual directors!”

Mike Ruman

Rohelle headshot for testimonial
"I had never heard of spiritual direction until I was paired up with one as a missionary. It'd been such an impactful experience, I knew I needed to see one out after we returned from overseas. Meeting with my spiritual director once a month has provided some much needed space to simply be quiet and still before the Lord (as a mom of three, silence and stillness comes sparingly!). My spiritual director helps me by asking great questions to sit with the Lord and listen to His voice. I am so grateful.”

Rochelle Guffey

Gordon Lewis
 headshot for testimonial
“Exponent Group makes it easy for people to 'get it.' They provided us with meaningful practices that shaped our people to become more effective in discipleship with others. EG brings credibility and coaching that has deeply formed our people in the ways of Jesus.”

Gordon Lewis

Bonnie Merriam headshot for testimonial
“Through the cohort, God gave me the team I had been praying for to support me in outreach. The material was unlike anything I’d experienced—natural, authentic, and focused on connecting people to God through personal experiences. It helped me share my faith in a more personal and meaningful way.”

Bonnie Merriam

Lindsay Mizzel headshot for testimonial
“Exponent Group has a way of helping people 'become' disciple makers in a holistic way. Through spiritual direction, coaching and formation practices they have provided us simple ways to live as disciple makers everyday.”

Lindsay Mizzel

Take your next step today!

Take your next step today and join others who are discovering the power of prayer and spiritual growth. With our Prayer & Retreat Guides, you’ll cultivate meaningful habits and develop the skills to nurture discipleship and foster Christlike transformation in your everyday life—wherever you live, work, or play.

Common prayer cover

Common Prayer

This compilation of six prayer practices is helpful in a variety of contexts.

Buy Printed Copy
visio divina guide cover

Visio Divina Prayer

Visio Divina, or Sacred Seeing, is a Christian prayer practice where we allow our hearts and imaginations to reflect on an image in silent prayer, and see what God might want to say to us.

Listening cover image

10 Days of Listening

This compilation of six prayer practices is helpful in a variety of contexts.

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Grieving with God

A collection of five prayer practices to lead you deeper into solidarity with God - the same God who rose Lazarus from the dead, but only after first taking time to weep.

respite cover

Respite Retreat Guide

We cannot draw water from a dry well. This retreat guide is designed to help you process your emotions and interior life, and to find renewed encouragement and grace in the context of a retreat.

Common prayer retreat guide cover

Prayer Retreat Guide

This retreat template is designed to help your group practice a silence and solitude, as well as group exercises that open ourselves up to God and one another.